
How They Handle Clay Poker Chips and More: Tips For Reading Your Poker Opponents

One of the crucial aspects of being a successful poker player is having the ability to read tells. A tell is a sign of any type, be it verbal, physical or psychological that provides you with information about the your opponents' hands. Even some small action, like the way the player throws their clay poker chips or plastic poker chips on the table, can be an indication of what they have behind those cards. By learning the most common tells, you can also regulate your own behavior to be sure you're not exhibiting these characteristics, thereby improving your game. If you'd like to be the master of your next poker game, here are some helpful tips to get you reading tells like a pro:

Poker tells that scream "I'm bluffing and have a good hand":
-Shaky hands: If the player is fidgety and has shaky hands, infrared contactlenses especially when it comes to placing their bet. Those shaky hands could be a leading indicator that they have a really, really good hand.

-Rapid breathing: Sometimes, the more gifted players can hide their shaky hands, but it takes some serious mental meditation to control heavy breathing and a heaving chest. Get your clay poker chips ready: this player probably has an excellent hand.

-Sighs, shrugs, and general overacting: When a player makes gaudy attempt at acting like they have a really terrible hand via sighs, raised eyebrows, shrugs, or more boldly, saying things like "Ugh! Why am I even calling?!", most likely, they're trying to be slick and hide a good hand.

-Throwing the clay poker chips on the table in frustration: this can be a front. Many players try to employ their acting skills when bluffing. But fortunately for you, they're probably bad actors.

Poker tells that scream "I've got a weak hand!":
-Staring down other players: Odds are, they're trying to give other players the illusion that they're unstoppable and have a great hand. More than likely, they have a weak hand. They may have something, but it probably is something that also can be beaten by other players, so they're taking a risk by projecting the illusion that they have something to be reckoned with.

-Holding their breath: Often times, in an attempt to control their pounding heart and heaving chest,
luminous contact lenses inexperience players will hold their breath when they're bluffing. They probably won't make eye-contact either.

Poker tells that indicate "I have a drawing hand":
-Taking a long time before placing a bet: if you see a player's mental calculator going off as they look into the pot, he's probably figuring out pot odds to see if it's worth it to attempt to pick up the cards they need for a drawing hand.

-Checking the hole cards after a flop: If the flop shows the possibility of giving a player a flush or straight draw, watch for the players that recheck and shift around their hole cards. They're checking to see if they have something to play on. They opponent probably doesn't have a flush or straight at that point, because they wouldn't have to check if they did.